
Stay updated with the latest insights with our blogs about Digital Marketing, Learning & Development, Social Media Marketing, Sales Optimization, and Business Transformation.

Stay updated with the latest insights with our blogs about Digital Marketing, Learning & Development, Social Media Marketing, Sales Optimization, and Business Transformation.

Tricia Lim

Digital Marketing Specialist
7 Tips to Be More Productive In The Workplace

May 4, 2021

Majority of our days are filled with work, play and maintaining relationships. Our time tends to feel short and limited especially when we’re always hustling and bustling. That’s why, it’s important to stay aligned to our goals, objectives and basically, manage our time. What would that look like in the workplace? Well, here are 7 tips to be more productive in the workplace.

Tricia Lim

Digital Marketing Specialist
Why Tone of Voice Is Important For Your Brand

March 30, 2021

Every word you put into your content, website, social media and marketing collateral defines how your business is perceived. Whether you like it or not, it’s essential to know your brand tone of voice. But, why is it important? We’ll explore more of what it is and why it’s important for you as a brand in this blog.

Andie Phoon

Strategic and Digital Marketing Lead
Instagram Shopping: Why It's Essential For Your Brand

February 16, 2021

Social shopping is more than a platform for us to shop. One of the trending networks is Instagram, and it has grown popular for social shopping. We’ve found out why it’s essential for your brand to use Instagram shopping, read more in this blog!

Tricia Lim

Digital Marketing Specialist
Social Media Shopping and How It Influences Us

February 8, 2021

In many ways, our lives revolve around social media – including the way we shop. We turn to it for inspiration, product research and direct shopping. There are both subtle and obvious ways it influences our shopping habits today if you think about it. The blog explores what social media shopping is and how it impacts our lives.

Raymond Phoon

Founder | CEO | Global Sales Coach | Business Transformation Expert
How to Deliver Effective Virtual Training Over Zoom

December 4, 2020

Throughout our 20 years of business existence, we’ve never delivered more virtual programs, engagements and coaching than right now. The past nine months has taught us as a society to be readily adaptable to sudden circumstances like a pandemic. We’ve gone through a learning curve on delivering practical virtual training, and we’re here to share it with you.

Andie Phoon

Strategic and Digital Marketing Lead
Top 5 Work from Home Tips for Digital Marketers

November 3, 2020

Working from home can be perfect for some people whilst challenging for others. Over the past year, modern professionals went from working from home occasionally to full time. What was once a luxury to work from home is now something that we dread. We’ve struggled and endured through it, too, so that we can offer tips in this blog from our experience of working from home.

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